Centenary Roll
Rev. Dr. Daniel and Mrs. Jo Ellen Aleshire
Mustafa Cenap Aydin
The Revd Dr John and Mrs Sally Barrett
The Revd Dr Brian and Mrs Margaret Beck
The Revd Philip and Mrs Sue Beuzeval
The Rev. Dr. Bruce C. Birch
Rev. Alan & Mrs. Ashley Boyd
Jenny and Peter Briggs
The Revd Stephen and Mrs Barbara Burgess
Mr Angus F Campbell
The Revd Dr Kim Cape
The Revd Roger Chapman
Bishop Minerva G. Carcaño
Rev Dr Roger Cooke
Vincent and Clare Cooper
The Rev. Dr Valentin Dedji
The Revd Roger F. Ducker
Rev. Dr. David P. Easton
Bob Evans
Revd John and Chris Fellows
Rev Hazel Forecast
Mrs Sheila Forth (in memory of DJ Forth)
David Gibson
Revd. Dr Paul Glass
The Revd Roger D Greeves
Revd Stuart and Mrs Marion Gunson
The Revd Gerald Hainsworth
Bishop Laurie Haller and Rev. Gary Haller
Mrs Eileen Hannah (in memory of her husband Nigel)
The Revd Tony Hearle
The Revd Kenneth Hext
Professor Morna D. Hooker-Stacey
Professor Peter and Mrs Susan Howdle
The Rev Dr Peter Howson
The Revd Dr Jonathan and Mrs Lesley Hustler
The Revd. Jenny Impey
Revd Martin P. James
The Revd Margaret and the Revd Christopher Jones
The Revd Dr Stuart Jordan
David Keep
The Revd Andrew King
Mr James W. Lamb
The Revd Dr Jane Leach (in memory of David J Forth)
The Rosybank Trust in memory of the Revd Ian C Lunn
The Rev Dr Tim and Mrs Angela Macquiban
The Revd Dr Hayford Ofori-Attah
Rev. Elizabeth O. Osei
Rev Ian Parker
Mr John Peniket
Rev Dr Bonni-Belle Pickard
John Pickering (in memory of Mary Pickering)
The Revd John Pritchard
The Revd Dr Henry Rack
The Revd J Stuart Rhodes
Colin and Margaret Richardson
The Revd Dr Neil G. Richardson
The Revd Edgardo Rivera
Miss Elsie Salmon
Miss Phyllis Salmon
Mr David Scahill
Helen J Schoon
David H Sharpe
Mike and Joyce Sharpe
The Revd Pam Siddall
The Rev. Jean and Mr Michael Simmonds
Mrs. Eileen Simmons and Mr. G Nash
Rev'd James and Mrs Kathleen Skinner
Mrs Margaret and Rev Martyn Skinner
The Revd Brian Tebbutt
The Revd Vaughan Tong
James L. Waits
The Revd Heather M Walker
Dr Alan Walton
The Revd Dr Martin Wellings
Christine Whitehead (in memory of Margaret Johnston)
The Revd Arthur C. Windridge
Revd Pauline Wrenn
The Revd Brenda Woods
The Revd Prof Larry Yarbrough
David Youngs
plus a number of anonymous donors
We are grateful to everyone who has given to support our Centernary appeal, including: