The Asbury Flat was created by refurbishing and joining several rooms on the ground floor of one of the 1920s buildings. It was made possible through the generosity of The Revd Dr Kim Cape, then General Secretary of the the United Methodist Church's General Board Of Higher Education And Ministry, and US friends of Wesley House.
Timothy Albrecht
Ned and Shirley Dewire
Neil F. and LilaLee Fisher
Carl and Donna Holladay
Roger and Judy Ireson
Jeffrey Kuan and Val Toh
James T. and Berta Laney
Doug and Shirley Lewis
Gerald and Joan Lord
Rex Matthews and Carol Newsom
David and Drema McAlister-Wilson
Mary Elizabeth and Allen Moore
Albert Mosley and Syreeta McTavous-Mosley
Amos Nascimento
Robert and Elizabeth Neville
David and Martha Pacini
Russell and Merle Richey
Jay and Kristen Rundell
Ted and Cindy Runyon
Don E. Saliers
Jan Love and Peter Sederberg
Jonathan and Siri Strom
Jim and Fentress Waits
Ted and Mudie Weber
Lovett and Emily Weems
Myron and Martha Wingfield
Javier R. Viera and Laine Rolóng
Thomas V. and Marilyn N. Wolfe
Ken Yamada and Akiyo Ueda
Wilson and Gayle Graham Yates
and in memory of Donald H. Treese whose vision inspired the rich relationship between Wesley House and the United Methodist Church in the USA.